Placement Cell


The Placement Cell is critical in locating job opportunities for students by maintaining contact with reputable firms and industrial establishments. The Placement Cell is open all year to make connections between companies and students. The number of students hired through campus interviews is steadily increasing. Many reputable industries come to the institute on invitation to conduct interviews. We have been able to maintain high placement rates over the years.
The Placement Cell organizes career counselling program for all students beginning in their first year. The cell organizes training program such as Mock Interviews, Group Discussions, Communication Skills Workshops, and Public Sector Exam Training for students who want to work in the government sector. It also invites human resource managers from various industries to conduct training program for final-year students.
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Why Study at SCMS ?

SCMS is led by a dedicated team of leaders who provide guidance, support, and drive the institute’s mission of academic excellence and research-driven education.

Alongside the core curriculum, SCMS emphasizes the development of managerial and technological skills, equipping you with a well-rounded education that prepares you for the challenges of the professional world.

SCMS boasts a committed faculty team comprising experienced professors, researchers, and industry experts who provide quality education, mentorship, and guidance throughout your academic journey.

SCMS maintains a disciplined environment that fosters a strong focus on academic pursuits, creating an atmosphere conducive to learning, research, and personal growth.

Interaction of faculty, parents and students arranged each semester to assess the learning difficulties of individual students, if any, and to chalk out remedial programmes to improve their performance.

SCMS offers a valuable educational experience with its well-designed curriculum, research opportunities, industry collaborations, and career support services, ensuring that your investment in education yields long-term benefits for your future.

SCMS provides modern laboratories, advanced equipment, and research facilities, ensuring you have access to cutting-edge resources for hands-on learning and research.