Sainath Envirotech

SSET has entered into an agreement with the nationally renowned consultancy firm in environment engineering named – “Sainath Envirotech” Chennai, for providing paid consultancy support in all their projects being implemented in Kerala State. SWI will be coordinating the work. MoU was signed by Prof Pramod P. Thevannoor, VC SCMS GROUP and Dr K. Namasivayam, CEO of Sainath Envirotech respectively on October 30th, 2023. Sainath Envirotech has constructed more than 500 large treatment plants for various state governments and is considered in the super-class contractor category in many states.

MoU was signed by Prof Pramod P. Thevannoor, VC SCMS GROUP and Dr K. Namasivayam, CEO of Sainath Envirotech