SWI in association with Koratty Panchayat has collected water from 190 drinking water sources like domestic and public wells and analyzed for various water quality parameters as per Bureau of Indian Standards. All the water sources were later documented using geographic Information system (GIS) to prepare a water quality atlas. It was found from the results of analysis that 90% of the drinking water sources were contaminated by Coliform bacteria. Another significant observation was the presence of high acidity, Iron and Fluoride in certain wells. Remedial measures were advised and the Panchayat has adopted necessary measures promptly.
This water quality atlas is extremely useful for the water related planning process in view of decentralized planning process of Koratty Panchayat. The atlas is prepared such that it can be updated in every six month.
Water quality analysis done at Koratty panchayath by M.Tech Environmental Engineering students of SSET on October 29, 2013