

students specializing in Marketing are members of the marketing forum “MarkQuestt”. The objectives of the forum are to  enhance the marketing skills of the students by interacting with practising managers,  pursue field-based research in marketing and management related areas and  contribute to the overall personality development of the students through seminars, simulation games and topical presentations.


Students specializing in HR are members of the HR forum named “ZUKUNFT”. They conduct surveys on HR perspectives, seminars, discussions, simulation games and also undertake specific assignments on behalf of the  industry. This forum serves as a hub for networking, knowledge sharing and deliberations that help in keeping abreast with the latest developments and emerging issues in the area of human resources. These forums also embellish themselves with the presence of eminent persons from the industry, who shares their real life experiences, providing a rich revelation to students. HR forums often provide opportunities for collaboration, professional development, and staying abreast of changes in laws, regulations, and societal trends affecting the HR landscape.


The Finance Forum is a forum of students who have an interest in the field of finance. Prkta provides a platform for students to engage in discussions on various financial topics, from investment strategies and market trends to personal finance management and career opportunities. Prkta organizes guest lectures by industry professionals and academicians, giving students valuable insights into the practical world of finance.