College Code : SCM

Department Association - ATELIER


The Department of Basic Science & Humanities has an association “ATELIER” to foster creativity and celebrate the diverse talents of its students. This student-oriented association aims to provide a platform for expressing creativity and promote various forms of visual arts, and literary genres and infuse the campus with a vibrant spectrum of colours.

Objectives of ATELIER

  1. Encouraging Artistic and Literary Expression: ATELIER strives to encourage students to explore and express their creativity through various activities such as painting, drawing, sculpture, essay writing and more.
  2. Creating a fun and inclusive environment: The association is designed to be a space where students can have fun, interact with like-minded individuals, and foster a sense of community through shared artistic interests.
  3. Showcasing intuitive ideas: ATELIER is not just about traditional art; it also encourages the exploration of intuitive and unconventional ideas, pushing the boundaries of creativity.