College Code : SCM


Basic Science & Humanities


Assistant Professor
Specialisation : Pure Mathematics

Room: AD101

Educational Qualifications

  • M.Sc mathematics (S H college ,Thevara)
  • B Ed( Avila college ,Edacochi)
  • Qualified SET exam

Employment History

  • Joined SCMS School of engineering and technology, Karukutty, Cochin on 29-08-2005


Key Responsibilities Held 

  • Class co-ordinator ship for different classes
  • Held charges in examination cell,both in internal exams and university exams.
  • Chairman of S1-S2 Btech valuation (KTU)


Teaching Interests: 

  • Differential Equations
  • Vector Algebra
  • Numerical Analysis
  • 3-D geometry
  • Linear Algebra
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Group Theory


Research Interests: 

  • Discreete Mathematics
  • Lattice Theory
  • Fuzzy Mathematics
  • Numerical Analysis
  • Mathematical Economics



  • Publication: Research paper “FUZZY Z+ TRANSFORMS” got published in Mathematical Sciences International Research Journal Volume 8 Issue 2( ISSN 2278 – 8697 ).[IMRF Biannual Peer Reviewed (Refereed) International Journal | SE Impact Factor 2. 73]
  • Book: Wrote a chapter in the edited book Advances in Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science. Publisher of book: International Multidisciplinary Research Foundation. ISBN: 978-93-86435-94-1
  • Presented a paper on the topic “Application Of Fuzzy Z+ Transforms In The Solution Of Fuzzy Difference Equations “in the International Conference  of Emerging Trends in Basic And Applied Scienceon Dec 17th ,2021
  • Publication:Research paper “Fuzzy Z+ transforms: An overview and applications in nondestructive testing” got published inAmerican Institue of Physics(AIP ) September 22,2023(Volume 2856 Issue 1) 


Membership in Professional Societies:  

Member of KMA

Technical programs attended: 

  1. COVID-19 Contact Tracing an online non-credit course authorized by Johns Hopkins University and offered through Coursera
  2. Everyday Excel, Part 1 an online non-credit course authorized by University of Colorado Boulder and offered through Coursera
  3. Excel Skills for Business: Essentials an online non-credit course authorized by Macquarie University and offered through Coursera
  4. Everyday Excel, Part 2 an online non-credit course authorized by University of Colorado Boulder and offered through Coursera
  5. Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) an online non-credit course authorized by University of Michigan and offered through Coursera
  6. NPTEL-AICTE FDP(Integral Equations, Calculusof variations and its applications)
  7. FDP on Know everything related to research
  8. National FDP on Fuzzy Clustering Techniques and its applications
  9. 5- Day Workshop on Technical Report Writing using LaTeX”,
  10. National FDP on Professional ethics in current pandemic scenario