We are immensely proud to announce that NSS SSET UNIT NO 182 has been honored with the Rudhirasena Award for the second consecutive year! This prestigious recognition is for conducting the highest number of blood donation camps. Kudos to our dedicated team and generous donors for their unwavering commitment to saving lives. Together, we make […]

Exciting Talk on Nanoventures: Journey into Nanoscale!

Join us for an Exciting Talk on Nanoventures: Journey into Nanoscale! 🧬Date: July 8-9, 2024Venue: Conference Hall (Administrative Block), SCMS Speaker: Dr. Jayan Thomas, Professor (Fulbright Specialist), Dept. of Material Science and Engineering, University of Central Florida, USA. Target Audience: Secondary & Sr. Secondary School Students Discover the fascinating world of nanotechnology with an expert. […]

Financial Assistance from KTU

We are thrilled to announce that our talented teams have received financial assistance from APJAKTU for their innovative projects.

Summer Program at Hungkuang University!

We are thrilled to announce that three of our outstanding students have been selected for the Summer Program at Hungkuang University, Taiwan from 5th to 17th August 2024. Selected Students: Anandjith T (S7 CS1)Amrutha C (S5 CS1)Gasteena Pess (S7 CO)Your dedication and hard work have paid off, and we are incredibly proud of your achievement. […]