College Code : SCM


Basic Science & Humanities

Dr. Mini Tom

Deputy Dean & Professor
Specialisation : Fuzzy Graph Theory

Room: AD101

Educational Qualifications

  • BSc, MSc, PhD

Employment History

PeriodName of OrganizationDesignation
01/11/2020 – till dateSCMS School of Engineering and TechnologyDeputy Dean & Professor
16/10/2017 – 30/10/2020SCMS School of Engineering and TechnologyProfessor & Head
01/10/2015 – 15/10/2017SCMS School of Engineering and TechnologyProfessor
01/08/2010 – 30/09/2015SCMS School of Engineering and TechnologyAssociate Professor
01/01/2010 – 31/07/2010SCMS School of Engineering and TechnologyAssistant Professor
01/02/2007 – 31/12/2009SCMS School of Engineering and TechnologyLecturer Senior Grade
16/10/2001 – 31/01/2007SCMS School of Engineering and TechnologyLecturer

Key Responsibilities Held

Responsibilities Held

  • Addl. Chief Superintendent for M.G University B.Tech Examinations.
  • Chief Superintendent for KTU B.Tech Examinations.
  • Valuation camp officer of KTU- B Tech exams.
  • Head of the Department of Basic Science and Humanities. 
  • Faculty in charge of Internal Examinations.
  • Handling Classes For M.Tech and B.Tech Students

Present Responsibilities

  • Deputy Dean (Student Affairs)
  • Criteria Champion, IQAC
  • Head Quality Manager , ISO Committee
  • Women’s forum In Charge
  • Internal Complaints Committee Presiding Officer
  • Member of anti- ragging committee
  • Member of Academic council
  • Handling Classes For M.Tech and B.Tech Students

Teaching Interests

  • Algebra, Calculus, Differential Equations Transforms, Numerical Analysis, Graph Theory.

Research Interests

  • Graph Theory, Fuzzy Graph Theory



Sl. No.Author/sTitlePublisherYear of publicationPage No./ISBN
1Mini TomSum Distance and Strong Sum Distance in Fuzzy GraphsLampert Academic Publishing2016ISBN: 978-620-3-57413-5


Articles in Journals

Sl. No.Title of ArticleJournalYear/Month
1On Strongets Paths, Delta arcs and Blocks in Fuzzy GaphsWorld Applied Sciences Journal2013
2Notes on Types of Arcs in a Fuzzy GraphJournal of Uncertainty in Mathematics Sciences2014
3Sum Distance in Fuzzy GraphsAnnals of Pure and Applied Mathematics2014
4Strong Sum Distance in Fuzzy graphsSpringer Plus2015
5Boundary and Interior Nodes in Fuzzy Graph using Sum DistanceFuzzy Information and Engineering2016


Papers in Conference/Seminar/Proceedings

Sl. No.Title of the paperTitle of conference/seminar volumeYear of publication
1Strongest Path in Fuzzy GraphInternational Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Applied Soft Computing2012
2f-cutnodes and delta arcs in fuzzy graphsNational Conference on Mathematics of Soft Computing2012
3Fuzzy Node Connectivity in Fuzzy GraphsNational Conference on Applications of Discrete and Fuzzy Mathematics

Membership in Professional Societies:

Kerala Mathematical Association (Life Member)