College Code : SCM

Engineering Physics Laboratory


As a vital part of engineering education, Engineering Physics Laboratory gives students practical experience in designing experiments, interpreting data, and using basic concepts of physics to solve engineering challenges. Students learn about different areas of physics and how they can relate it to engineering through a series of interesting experiments.

  • Explore the characteristics of light and how it interacts with materials by conducting experiments on interference and diffraction. Determine the wavelength of monochromatic beam of light and thickness of a micro thin object by forming Newton’s rings pattern and an air wedge fringe pattern respectively.
  • Gain an understanding of the fundamentals of optics and photonics. Determination of wavelength of light by diffraction using plane transmission grating and the spectra formed by a monochromatic beam of light as well as laser is carried out. Resolving and dispersive power of grating is determined from the white light spectrum. 
  • Learn to use instruments like CRO to measure the basic physical quantities viz. frequency and amplitude of a wave pattern and to analyse resonance in LCR circuit.
  • Make measurements of the wave pattern in a stretched string and to obtain its fundamental frequency values using a Melde’s string apparatus.

