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Webinar from Quiz Club Mechanical Engineering Dept.

May be an image of 1 person, standing and text that says ‘QUIZ CLUB of Dept. of Mechanical Engineering presents WEBINAR on “How to prepare for a Technical Quiz” Ms. Anju G Nair Digital Strategy Consultant IBM, Bengaluru 12 June 2021 10:00 AM IST Join with Google Meet Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Sam Joshy (9946226732) Accredited by NBA SSET SCMS School of Engineering and Technology Campus: ÛiyaNagar, Karukutty, Ernakulam 683576 NATIONALR TATION Website www.scmsgroup.o Tel: 0484 2882900 0484 2450330 CS,CE,ME’

    Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom. Be ready to prepare yourself for any technical quiz. Quiz Club of Department of Mechanical Engineering in association with ARiME is conducting a webinar on "How to prepare for a Technical Quiz" on 12th June at 10.00am.

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