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post contentOnce again, it’s time to Hack the Future!!heading

Once again, it’s time to Hack the Future!!

As part of an innovative effort to address the nation’s challenges, SCMS School of Engineering & Technology is organizing a ‘Hackathon’ this year. This event aims to engage the creative minds of school students with ingenious ideas to tackle a specific set of issues. The 9th edition of the Dr. Pradeep P Thevannoor Innovation Awards (PPTIA) will serve as the backdrop for this Hackathon, commemorating the innovative spirit of our late Vice-Chairman, Dr. Pradeep P Thevannoor. The Dr. Pradeep P Thevannoor Hackathon is open to students in grades 8 to 12, and we encourage them to register and submit potential solutions to one of the three problem statements available on our website. For detailed guidelines, registration information, and the problem statements, please visit at “PPTH 2023”. The deadline for registration and solution submissions is October 31, 2023. We will announce the shortlisted teams by the first week of November, 2023, and the final round event is scheduled to take place at SCMS School of Engineering & Technology, Cochin, Kerala, in the third week of November 2023.

The hackathon aims to provide students with a platform to solve some of the pressing problems we face in our daily lives and build the culture of start-ups and innovation ecosystems. We request you to kindly peruse the poster attached herewith and encourage brilliant students from the esteemed schools where your ward is pursuing studies to participate in the contest. For further information please feel free to contact the Program Co-ordinator at +91 70347 80074, +91 9447747061 or write to