Principal’s Message

Dr. Anitha G. Pillai
PrincipalSCMS School of Engineering &Technology (SSET)
Life is a rich tapestry woven with moments of joy and sorrow. The most cherished moments are often those where one can freely express their thoughts, propelled by friendship and unrestricted by the bounds of ignorance. Such a nexus of camaraderie and enlightenment is epitomized by the SCMS group of institutions. Established in 1976, this institution has been a beacon of adaptability, meeting the ever-evolving landscape of education head-on.
Our foray into technical education in 2000, under the visionary leadership of Dr. GPC Nayar, marked a pivotal chapter in our journey. Since then, SSET has fostered a unique mentor-protégé dynamic, the success of which is evident in our alumni. They stand at the helm of global organizations, a testament to their impeccable professionalism instilled here.
At SSET, our Bachelor’s, Master’s, and doctoral programmes are meticulously crafted. While we emphasize technical proficiency, we equally value a holistic approach to education. Our mission is to sculpt engineers equipped to navigate any challenge with finesse. This ethos is exemplified by our students, who consistently shine in national and state-level competitions, bringing accolades that swell our institutional pride.
As the Principal, it fills me with immense pride to see our students’ achievements. I am confident that SSET will continue to be lauded globally for its unwavering commitment to nurturing passionate engineers.
Our foray into technical education in 2000, under the visionary leadership of Dr. GPC Nayar, marked a pivotal chapter in our journey. Since then, SSET has fostered a unique mentor-protégé dynamic, the success of which is evident in our alumni. They stand at the helm of global organizations, a testament to their impeccable professionalism instilled here.
At SSET, our Bachelor’s, Master’s, and doctoral programmes are meticulously crafted. While we emphasize technical proficiency, we equally value a holistic approach to education. Our mission is to sculpt engineers equipped to navigate any challenge with finesse. This ethos is exemplified by our students, who consistently shine in national and state-level competitions, bringing accolades that swell our institutional pride.
As the Principal, it fills me with immense pride to see our students’ achievements. I am confident that SSET will continue to be lauded globally for its unwavering commitment to nurturing passionate engineers.
Dr. Pillai’s foundation in civil engineering is formidable:
- Ph.D. in Geotechnical Engineering from CUSAT.
- M.Tech in Construction Engineering & Management from CUSAT.
- B.Tech in Civil Engineering from Government Engineering College, Thrissur.
- SCMS School of Engineering & Technology
Professor & Head, Department of Civil Engineering
Duration: 01 March 2015 to Present
Associate Professor, Dept of Civil Engineering
Duration: Oct 1, 2010 – July 19, 2012 & Dec 29, 2014 - 01 Mar 2015
Assistant Professor
Duration: Jan 1, 2007 – Sep 30, 2010
Duration: Dec 31, 2001 – Dec 31, 2006 - Albertian Institute of Science & Technology
Associate Professor & Head, Dept of Civil Engineering
Duration: Jul 20, 2012 - Dec 29, 2014 - FACT, Cochin Division
Apprentice Engineer
Duration: April 27, 1999 – April 26, 2000 - Desai Homes, DD Village, Kochi
Site Engineer
Duration: Dec 1998 – April 1999
Key Research Interests
- Delving into the complexities of Soft Clay Engineering.
- Investigating the transformative methods of Soil Stabilization.
- Probing the progressive avenues of Ground Modification and Improvement Practices.
- Analyzing the multifaceted dynamics of Soil Behaviour.
- An in-depth exploration on "Role of Barium Chloride in Counteracting the Effect of Sulphates in Lime Stabilised Clays", featured in the proceedings of the 6th International Geotechnical Symposium On Disaster Mitigation In Special Geoenvironmental Conditions, held at IITM.
- A scholarly work on "Cochin Marine Clays & its Stabilization with Lime", as seen in the book "On the Trail of an Institution Builder" (ISBN 978-81-928456-0-9), October 2013.
- A critical analysis titled "Influence of Sulphates on the Compressibility Behaviour of Lime Stabilised Cochin Marine Clays", presented in the Proceedings of Indian Geotechnical Conference, New Delhi (IGC 2012 Vol. 2).
- A methodical investigation on "Determination of Sulphate Content in Marine Clays", published in the International Journal Engineering Research and Applications, 2011, pp 1012-1016.
- Theoretical considerations on "A Strut-and-Tie model for the Dynamic Analysis of Beams and Frames", found in the International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering, October 2011, pp.699-702.
- An advanced evaluation titled "Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Pile Caps", showcased in the Proceedings of International Conference of Materials for the Future, GEC, Thrissur, 2008.
- Represented and contributed to the discussions on "Emerging trends in Geotechnical Engineering" at the DST, SERB sponsored brainstorming session held at IIT Bombay in 2014.
- Participated in the National workshop on Sustainable Concrete Pavements: Practices, Challenges and Directions organized by the Indian Concrete Institute, Kochi Centre in 2019.
- Attended the Third Aravind memorial lecture on Challenges of Kolkata Metro Construction organized by IGs – Kochi Chapter in 2019.
- Took part in the KTU Sponsored FDP on "Emerging Challenges in Sustainable Urban Development '' organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, SSET in 2019.
- Participated in the Workshop on B. Tech Curriculum revision organized by KTU at RIT, Kottayam in 2019.
- Attended the Seventh Praphulla Kumar Lecture on "Corrective Measures to Address Differential Settlement – Case Studies" organized by Indian Geotechnical Society, Kochi Chapter and Association of Piling Specialists in Kochi.
- Participated in the AACE (Association for Advancement in Cost Computing) International South India Section Conference on "Mega Projects: Managing Risk & Uncertainty" at IIT Madras in 2018.
- Attended the One Day ICI Workshop on Quality Concrete Construction in 2018 at Kochi.
- Participated in the ICTAK Conclave International Conference on Skills, Engineering & Technology (ICSET – 2017) on "Fourth Industrial Revolution: Promises & Perils of Next Gen. Transformation" in Thiruvananthapuram.
- Attended the Annual Conference of IGS, IGC 2016, "Geotechnology Towards Global Standards" organized by IITM and College of Engineering, Guidy.
- Participated in the National workshop on "Role of Accreditation & Audit in Higher Education Institutions" at Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology in 2016.
- Took part in the Two day National Workshop on "Outcome Based Accreditation (New NBA 2015 Format – Tier II) For Undergraduate Engineering Programme" at Vidya Academy of Science & Technology in 2016.
- Attended the Faculty Development Programme on "Teaching Methodology" at SCMS Cochin School of Business in 2016.
- Participated in the 3rd Indian-German Water Partnership Day 2015 "German Solutions to Indian Challenges" at SCMS, Cochin.
- Attended the National Workshop on "Water Management and Audit" at SCMS Cochin School of Business in 2015.
- Participated in the 6th International Geotechnical Symposium on "Disaster Mitigation in Special Geoenvironmental Conditions" at IIT, Madras.
- Attended the Third Praphulla Kumar Annual Lecture 2014 on ‘Geotechnical Challenges of Kochi’ organized by Indian Geotechnical Society, Kochi chapter and Association of Piling Specialist in 2014.
- Participated in the One Day National Seminar on "Precast Concrete Technology – Challenges, Methods & Practices" in Mumbai.
- Attended the 2 day workshop on 'Piling – Design & Practice' organized by Indian Geotechnical Society, Kochi chapter and Deep Foundation Institute (India) in 2014.
- Participated in the ICI – Innovative World of Concrete (IWC) 2013 "International Conference on Innovations in Concrete" in Hyderabad.
- Attended the First Indo Japan workshop in Geotechnical Engineering organized by Indian Geotechnical Society in 2011.
- Participated in the National Conference on “Innovations in Civil Engineering (NCICE)” organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, SSET in 2012.
- Attended the Indian Geotechnical Conference – 2011 organized by IGS, Kochi Chapter & CUSAT.
- Participated in the International Conference of Materials for the Future, ICMF 2008, at GEC Thrissur.