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SSET enters into Research and Development in the field of Battery Charging

 In tune with the concept of Atmanirbharat Bharat, SCMS School of Engineering and Technology will be working with M/s Waves Electronics, Kizhakkambalam, for indigenous development of Battery Chargers. This assumes significance in the light of the emerging revolution in the field of Electric Vehicles. In the beginning, chargers with more efficiency and reduction in size would be developed. The chargers developed will have both charging and discharging facilities. In the era of a deregulated power sector, discharging of batteries into the grid assumes significance. Waves Electronics have already developed such chargers for Bangalore Metro Corporation. A memorandum of understanding has been exchaned in this connection between Prof. Pramod P Thevannur, Vice Chairman of SCMS group and Sri Jayan C B, Executive Director, Waves Electronics. SCMS group Director Prof Gopakumar S, Principal Dr C J Praveensal and Head of Electrical and Electronic Department Dr. Jayanand B were also present. Wave Electronics is a major player in the field of Battery Chargers in the country, supplying equipment to the Indian Navy, Electricity Boards and Rolls Royce.