E-Resources and E-Journals


The digital age has revolutionized the way we access information. At the Dr. Pradeep P Thevannoor Learning Resource Centre, we understand the importance of staying updated with the latest in technology and research. Hence, we offer a plethora of e-resources to cater to the diverse needs of our academic community. E-Resources Access: The Dr. PPT Learning Resource Centre provides access to numerous online electronic resources. Students can access these resources through their portal here, while staff members can use their user login window here.


The Dr.PPT Learning Resource Centre subscribes to the following e-resources providing its users access to several online electronic resources. Students can access these resources through their portal https://sset.linways.com/student/  and Staff members can access it through their user login window https://sset.linways.com/staff/  respectively.

Key Online Resources

IEEE Xplore- ASPP packagehttps://sset.linways.com/
IP BASED(with in campus) and REMOTE ACCESS –
195 Nos. of journals available
ASCEhttps://sset.linways.com/IP BASED(with in campus) and REMOTE ACCESS –
35 Nos. Of Civil Engineering/ Architecture Journals
ASMEhttps://sset.linways.com/IP BASED(with in campus) and REMOTE ACCESS –
33 Nos. Of Mechanical/Automobile engineering Journals
Scms School Of Engineering And Technology (knimbus.com)https://sset.linways.com/Access through the Knimbus Platform,
Subscribed through the KTU
294 Nos. of ScienceDirectEngineering related Journals
EBSCO E BOOKS – Engineering Corehttps://sset.linways.com/IP BASED(with in campus) and REMOTE ACCESS –
More than 6000 Engineering core collection e books are available.
J- GATEhttps://sset.linways.com/IP BASED(with in campus) and REMOTE ACCESS –
14,165 + journals available
APJAKTU Digital Libraryhttps://sset.linways.com/Access for registered users-
Subscribed through the University.
APJAKTU Digital Library -Knimbus platform for all subscribed e-resources (Remote Access) in-campus and off-campus access.
DELNEThttps://sset.linways.com/IP BASED(with in campus) and REMOTE ACCESS –
Full Text Digital Library Resources like Ejournals, E Books, Thesis, manuscripts, Online databases etc.
MAT JOURNALShttps://sset.linways.com/PRINTED + ONLINE – Subscibed39 Subscribed online + Printed journals
INVENTI JOURNALShttps://sset.linways.com/PRINTED + ONLINE-
12 Subscribed online + Printed Journals (CS and EC)
Directory of Open Access Journals(DOAJ)https://sset.linways.com/OPEN ACCESSOpen Access journals of major publishers
Directory of Open Access Books(DOAB)https://sset.linways.com/OPEN ACCESSScholarly, peer-reviewed open-access books
National Digital Library of India (NDLI)https://sset.linways.com/OPEN ACCESS THROUGH INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATIONHuge volume of Educational materials for all categories.
NDLI ClubSSET – NDLI CLUBhttps://sset.linways.com/REGISTER SSET-NDLI CLUB USING THE PASSKEY AVAILABLE AT LIBRARYNational Digital Library of India Club (NDLI Club) is an enabler of career progression for students, job seekers, researchers and learners.
National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL)https://sset.linways.com/OPEN ACCESS
Largest online repository in the world of courses in engineering, basic sciences and selected humanities and social sciences subjects
SWAYAMhttps://sset.linways.com/OPEN ACCESS THROUGH INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATIONFor Online Learning Courses
SHODH GANGA: A RESERVOIR OF INDIAN THESIShttps://sset.linways.com/FULL TEXT IN OPEN ACCESSDigital repository of Indian Electronic Theses and Dissertations set-up by the INFLIBNET Centre.
SHODHGANGOTRI: REPOSITORY OF INDIAN RESEARCH IN PROGRESShttps://sset.linways.com/FULL TEXT IN OPEN ACCESSDigital repository of Indian research in progress (Synopsis) set-up by the INFLIBNET Centre.
SWAYAM PRABHAhttps://sset.linways.com/OPEN ACCESSThe SWAYAM PRABHA is a group of 34 DTH channels devoted to telecasting of high-quality educational programmes on 24X7 basis using the GSAT-15 satellite
TURNITINhttps://sset.linways.com/Access for registered users-
University Subscription
Similarity checking Software
AICTE-PARAKHhttps://sset.linways.com/OPENThe AICTE-SLA project – Student Assessment Learning
AICTE – E –Kumbhhttps://sset.linways.com/OPENTo provide outcome based Technical Education Books in different Indian Languages to the students and faculty members.
AICTE-INDIA- ANUVADINIhttps://sset.linways.com/OPENGlobal Voice, Document AI Translation, Image, Video & Meeting Tool
Commonwelath of Learning (COL)https://sset.linways.com/OPENOER (Open Educational Resources) – Quality learning opportunities for all, anytime, anywhere.
British Columbia Open Textbook Projecthttps://sset.linways.com/OPENThe B.C. Open Collection is a curated selection of open educational resources (OER).
Rice University Open Stax for Open Bookshttps://sset.linways.com/OPENFree and flexible textbooks and resources (OER)
eCampus Ontariohttps://sset.linways.com/OPENSupporting Teaching and Learning into the Future (OER)
Skill Commonshttps://sset.linways.com/OPENSkillsCommons is a free and open online library (OER) containing free and open learning materials and program support materials for job-driven workforce development.
LibreTexts- Free the Textbookhttps://sset.linways.com/OPENAll Libretexts libraries are accessible to everyone via the internet, completely free. Believe everyone should have access to knowledge. (OER)
Saylor Academyhttps://sset.linways.com/OPENSaylor Academy is a nonprofit initiative working since 2008 to offer free and open online courses (OER) to all who want to learn.
National Mission in Education through ICThttps://sset.linways.com/OPENOne India One Digital Platform for Learning
Cornell University- arXivhttps://sset.linways.com/OPENarXiv is a free distribution service and an open-access archive for nearly 2.4 million scholarly articles

The Dr. Pradeep P Thevannoor Learning Resource Centre is dedicated to providing a wide range of e-resources to cater to the diverse academic needs of its users. These resources are meticulously curated to ensure that students and staff have access to high-quality, relevant, and up-to-date information.

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