Library Services and Timings


At the Dr. Pradeep P Thevannoor Learning Resource Centre, we pride ourselves on offering a comprehensive suite of services tailored to meet the diverse needs of our academic community. Our services are designed to facilitate seamless access to information, foster research and enhance the overall learning experience.

Library Services

Book Circulation/Lending ServicesBorrowing and returning of books made seamless.
Reference and Referral ServicesExpert assistance in sourcing relevant materials for academic and research queries
Journals & General Magazines SectionA dedicated section for periodicals, technical journals and general magazines to keep you updated.
Newspaper SectionStay informed with Daily newspapers for current affairs and general knowledge from various publications.
Web OPAC / Bibliographic ServicesOnline Public Access Catalog for easy search of books and resources.
Online Access to e-resourcesBoth IP and remote access to a plethora of e-resources.
Inter Library Loan / Document DeliveryAccess materials & borrowing resources from other libraries through DELNET.
Document Scanning ServicesScanning and digitization of documents with ease
Plagiarism Prevention Service – ‘TURNITIN’Ensuring originality in academic submissions.
Open Wi-Fi AccessFree Wi-Fi for uninterrupted online research.
Stay connected within the library premises With Free Wi-Fi for uninterrupted online research.
Computer Systems for e-resources AccessDedicated systems for accessing digital resources.

Library Timings

  • Monday to Friday: 08:00 AM to 08:00 PM (on all working days).
  • Saturday: 8.45 AM to 3.45 PM.
  • Note: Second Saturdays and Sundays are observed as closed holidays.

Our commitment is to provide an environment that is conducive to academic growth and research. We continually strive to enhance our services to ensure that our users have the best possible experience.

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